The leading No Scalpel Vasectomy service in the North of England
After The Operation
For 24 hours after your vasectomy you should:
completely rest
apply a cold compress to the scrotum for 10 minutes every 2-3 hours e.g. ice in a tea towel or a bag of frozen peas; this will help reduce any swelling and bruising
take paracetamol which should be sufficient for any discomfort
wear tight fitting underpants day and night which also helps reduce bleeding and bruising
have a shower the following day
For 48 hours after your vasectomy you should:
not drink any alcohol as this will increase your risk of bleeding and bruising
For 1 week after your vasectomy you must NOT do any:
manual work or heavy lifting
bathing or swimming
For 2 weeks after your vasectomy you must NOT:
cycle, ride or do contact sports
ejaculate, have sex or masturbate because if sperm leaks out of the cut ends of the vas before it has healed it can lead to painful nodules which can possibly cause the ends of the vas to rejoin
16 weeks after your vasectomy you must produce a sperm sample for testing
you will receive an automatic email 16 weeks after the procedure with further instructions
some patients may take longer to produce a clear sample and a repeat sample may be required
At any point after the procedure Dr Al-Ausi can be contacted
by calling 01614261819 in case urgent advice is needed
by arranging a follow up appointment if examination is required